Development of the cultural life is of big importance to “Renaissance” cultural and intellectual foundation, which is why this year also it stands next to “HIGH FEST” international performing arts festival. Supporting dramatic, musical, dance, puppet, visual, circus, children’s as well as open-air performances, “HIGH FEST” and “Renaissance” have adopted the mission of making decisive contributions to cultural policy.
“HIGH FEST” international performing arts festival was first held in 2003. Since 2006, “HIGH FEST” is the main theatrical festival in the former USSR territory (except for Moscow).
Every year, “HIGH FEST” hosts many participants and guests including famous art historians, art managers, presidents of international festivals from various countries including Spain, Germany, USA, Sweden, Switzerland, Egypt, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Georgia, Belgium and others.
A lot of Yerevan stages become a part of this one-week Autumn festival with new and exciting performances.