The “Renaissance” Foundation is embarking on an exciting new musical project featuring nine captivating songs. These include “Jaghats patik-patik,” “Ai Anush,” “Ekeq teseq tsarn e tsaghker,” “Trnotsi,” “Orrim, orrim,” “Tagh tsnndyan,” “Teshik manelu erg,” “Hovn anush,” and “Mayram gnats,” all carefully selected from the rich repertoire of the “Armenian National Music Treasury. These timeless melodies will be brought to life by the enchanting vocals of singer Anush Harutyunyan.
The music project is helmed by Vahe Yan, who previously directed “Tagh: the Path of the Soul,” a musical film. For this upcoming endeavor, the post-production will be filmed at the Lusik Aguletsi Museum.
The objective of the “Armenian National Music Treasury” project is to meticulously record and re-record Armenian folk, instrumental, and church music. This modern digital audio library aims to preserve and present Armenian folk and spiritual songs in alignment with international standards, thereby revitalizing the essence of national song, ritual, and tradition. With the aspiration for the “Armenian National Music Treasury” project to evolve into a global music portal, serving as an educational resource and providing soundtracks for film productions, the “Renaissance” Foundation is producing TV movies based on these recordings.
The inaugural film was “Tagh: the Path of the Soul”. This new musical TV movie, currently in filming, will be broadcasted on Armenia TV upon completion.