The “Renaissance” Cultural and Intellectual Foundation is a non-profit, non-commercial organization. It was established in 2013 as the “Intellectual Renaissance” Foundation, followed by the creation of the “Cultural Renaissance” Foundation in 2014. In 2017, these two foundations merged and continue to operate jointly under the name “Renaissance” Cultural and Intellectual Foundation.
The mission of the “Renaissance” Cultural and Intellectual Foundation is to reconnect Armenians with their cultural identity, preserve and transmit Armenian cultural heritage, and promote Armenian art in modern contexts. By doing so, we aim to safeguard identity and establish Armenian culture as a universal value.
We bring Armenians together around cultural identity and promote awareness of it. Embracing the strength of collaboration, we forge close partnerships with other organizations and individuals.
Cultural heritage cannot be preserved momentarily; it must endure to be passed down to future generations. To achieve this objective, the Foundation’s projects have a lasting impact and are designed to be sustainable in the long term.
In the preservation of cultural heritage, we do not confine ourselves solely to honoring the past. The Foundation believes that Armenian culture should be contemporary and relevant to be as understandable as possible to today’s generation.
Our activities are geared towards creating a significant impact, with the Foundation aiming to achieve sustainable change worldwide through Armenian culture.