Scheduled for release in February 2023, the revival of “Inknagir” comes as a result of financial support from Artur Janibekyan’s “Renaissance” Foundation. Since its inception in 2005, the literary journal has published nine issues, with the eagerly anticipated 10th edition set to debut on February 18 during the Newmag Winter Fest.
“Inknagir” and Newmag join forces to usher in a new era of literary exploration. This edition will feature contributions from esteemed writers such as Grigor Pltyan, Marine Petrosyan, Violet Grigoryan, Vahan Ishkhanyan, and others, showcasing new and unpublished works by Gurgen Khanjyan, Narine Kroyan, Syune Sevada, Susanna Harutyunyan, Anna Davtyan, and Misak Khostikyan.
Artak Aleksanyan, the CEO of Newmag, underscores the division of responsibilities in this collaboration. “Our team will handle magazine management, including fundraising, printing, design, proofreading, and sales. Violet will have the final word on content selection. We aim to ensure editorial independence and preserve the magazine’s integrity.”
Violet Grigoryan’s vision for “Inknagir” remains steadfast—to provide a literary sanctuary where modern literature can flourish free from market pressures or political agendas. She reflects on the magazine’s legacy and its role in shaping Armenian literary discourse, emphasizing the importance of collective creativity in rebuilding society after the tragedy of war.
Originally launched in 2001 as “Bnagir” and later evolved into “Inqnagir” in 2005, the magazine has been a beacon of literary excellence. The 2023 edition marks a poignant moment, dedicated to the memory of Vahan Ishkhanyan, who co-founded the publication with Grigoryan.
The thematic focus of the 10th issue centers on the theme of war, reflecting on its impact and the role of literature in shaping societal consciousness. Grigoryan emphasizes the transformative power of literature in shaping cultural identity and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.
The publication of “Inknagir” is made possible by the generous support of the “Renaissance” Foundation, with plans for three issues this year. Artur Bakhtamyan, the foundation’s spokesperson, underscores the magazine’s role as a platform for emerging and established authors to share their voices and connect with readers.
The unveiling of “Inknagir” Issue 10 will take place at the Newmag Winter Fest on February 18 at the Congress Hotel, promising a celebration of literature and artistic expression.